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What is coin98 finance?

Coin98 Finance is a decentralized finance liquidity aggregator (DeFi) and a decentralized exchange rate (DEX) that facilitates frictionless token exchanges between chains. In addition, using the native C98 token and Coin98 staking, the Coin98 ecosystem is a one-stop shop for interoperable DeFi loans, loans and agricultural production.

How much is coin98 (C98) worth?

Market capitalization of Coin98 (C98) is $86,839,506 and is ranked #254 on CoinGecko today. Market cap is measured by multiplying token price with the circulating supply of C98 tokens (600 Million tokens are tradable on the market today). What is the fully diluted valuation of Coin98 (C98)?

What is the coin98 token?

The C98 token is the native utility token of the Coin98 platform and will be used to pay services fees, as staking incentives, for governance, and unique membership rights. In the Coin98 roadmap, there are plans to develop a launchpad, a lending and borrowing platform, a megafarm, a derivatives market and an NFT marketplace.

What cryptocurrencies are supported by coin98?

The C98 token is supported on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain and Solana, and exists as an ERC-20, BEP-20 and SPL. Besides the in-house dedicated dev team, Coin98 also has external audits to ensure its smart contracts and products are secure.

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